Cache::write() - CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 323
I18n::translate() - CORE/Cake/I18n/I18n.php, line 241
__d - CORE/Cake/basics.php, line 615
Cache::write() - CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 321
I18n::translate() - CORE/Cake/I18n/I18n.php, line 241
__ - CORE/Cake/basics.php, line 554
AppModel::__construct() - ROOT/VectorCMS/Model/AppModel.php, line 100
ReflectionClass::newInstance() - [internal], line ??
ClassRegistry::init() - CORE/Cake/Utility/ClassRegistry.php, line 174
AppController::clearCache() - ROOT/VectorCMS/Controller/AppController.php, line 306
AppController::beforeFilter() - ROOT/VectorCMS/Controller/AppController.php, line 39
FrontController::beforeFilter() - ROOT/VectorCMS/Controller/FrontController.php, line 24
call_user_func - [internal], line ??
CakeEventManager::dispatch() - CORE/Cake/Event/CakeEventManager.php, line 244
Controller::startupProcess() - CORE/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 674
Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 187
Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 165
Warning (512): _cake_core_ cache was unable to write 'default_en' to Apc cache [CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 323]
$key = 'default_en'
$value = array(
'LC_MESSAGES' => array(
'%s' => '',
'// Set the template for' => '',
'API methods' => '',
'Account management' => '',
'Acl table refreshed.' => '',
'Aco' => '',
'Acos' => '',
'Action' => '',
'Actions' => '',
'Add field' => '',
'Add new' => '',
'Admin Tools' => '',
'Administration access' => '',
'After you have uploaded the config.php file, use the information below to login' => '',
'Alias' => '',
'Allowed extensions' => '',
'Alternative content' => '',
'Are you sure you want to delete' => '',
'Are you sure you want to delete system log?' => '',
'Arguments' => '',
'Aro' => '',
'Aros' => '',
'Aros Aco' => '',
'Aros Acos' => '',
'Asceding' => '',
'Assets folder writtable' => '',
'Association' => '',
'Available fields' => '',
'Backend' => '',
'Backup folder is not writable' => '',
'Backup folder writtable' => '',
'Before you can login, you must download configuration file and save it as app/Config/config.php:' => '',
'Big integer' => '',
'Block' => '',
'Blocks' => '',
'Body' => '',
'Bookmark' => '',
'Bookmarks' => '',
'Cache cleared' => '',
'Cannot delete active language' => '',
'Cannot delete default language' => '',
'Case' => '',
'Case Creation Date' => '',
'Case Modification Date' => '',
'Case Number' => '',
'Case Status' => '',
'Case Year' => '',
'Categories' => '',
'Change password' => '',
'Checked by default' => '',
'Choose new or existing newsletter as template' => '',
'Clear cache' => '',
'Click here to install this awesome tool' => '',
'Click here to populate with random records.' => '',
'Click to edit your profile' => '',
'Colapse' => '',
'Collapse' => '',
'Collapse all' => '',
'Comment' => '',
'Commented on' => '',
'Comments' => '',
'Config' => '',
'Configuration' => '',
'Congratulations' => '',
'Consultation, design and develpment' => '',
'Contents' => '',
'Controller Action' => '',
'Counter' => '',
'Create a copy' => '',
'Create and download MySQL dump file?' => '',
'Criminal Act' => '',
'Criminal Case' => '',
'Custom' => '',
'Custom entry' => '',
'Customization' => '',
'Customize view' => '',
'Dashboard' => '',
'Data' => '',
'Database' => '',
'Database access' => '',
'Database administration cannot be accessed at this time' => '',
'Database dump' => '',
'Date and time' => '',
'Default language cannot be deactivated.' => '',
'Delete' => '',
'Delete failed' => '',
'Delete failed.' => '',
'Delete log' => '',
'Delete successful' => '',
'Desc' => '',
'Descending' => '',
'Details' => '',
'Dictionary' => '',
'Dictionary is empty' => '',
'Dictionary updated' => '',
'Directories' => '',
'Domain' => '',
'Download config.php' => '',
'Došlo je do problema, molimo pokušajte sa registracijom kasnije' => '',
'Dropdown list' => '',
'E-mail address' => '',
'Edit' => '',
'Edit 404 page' => '',
'Edit module' => '',
'Edit profile' => '',
'Edit template' => '',
'Edit the original' => '',
'Editing module of this size is not considered stable, please contact technical support' => '',
'Element' => '',
'Elements' => '',
'Email nije u dobrom formatu' => '',
'Email template' => '',
'Error creating backup dir, check permissions.' => '',
'Error creating backup file' => '',
'Error creating target dir, check permissions.' => '',
'Error occurred, please check template' => '',
'Error!' => '',
'Exception' => '',
'Expand' => '',
'Expand all' => '',
'FK mora biti broj' => '',
'Failed' => '',
'Father Fk' => '',
'Father Module' => '',
'Feed log' => '',
'Field' => '',
'Field type' => '',
'Fieldnames must be unique within module' => '',
'File' => '',
'Filename' => '',
'Files' => '',
'Files without extension cannot be uploaded' => '',
'Filesize' => '',
'Filetype not allowed' => '',
'Flash' => '',
'Foreign Key' => '',
'Form not set as multipart' => '',
'Format' => '',
'From field' => '',
'Frontend' => '',
'Full Name' => '',
'Full name' => '',
'Group' => '',
'Groups' => '',
'Has Details' => '',
'Has Many' => '',
'Has One' => '',
'Hash' => '',
'Hide Filter' => '',
'History' => '',
'Host' => '',
'Icon' => '',
'Id' => '',
'Id String' => '',
'Image' => '',
'Ime modela mora imati bar jedan karakter' => '',
'Inactive language cannot be set as a default one' => '',
'Include just date' => '',
'Insert' => '',
'Integer' => '',
'Intellex d.o.o.' => '',
'Intellex is proud to welcome you to the Vector CMS' => '',
'Invalid id supplied' => '',
'Ip Address' => '',
'Is Admin Only' => '',
'Is Archive' => '',
'Is Category' => '',
'Is Default' => '',
'Is Hardcoded' => '',
'Is Popup' => '',
'Is Visible' => '',
'Javascript' => '',
'Javascripts' => '',
'Key' => '',
'Keyword' => '',
'Količina mora biti broj' => '',
'Language' => '',
'Languages' => '',
'Last modified' => '',
'Last word cannot be id or set' => '',
'Layout' => '',
'Layouts' => '',
'Leave dictionary without saving changes?' => '',
'Leave this page without saving?' => '',
'Link' => '',
'List all' => '',
'List bookmarks' => '',
'List groups' => '',
'List modules' => '',
'List uploads' => '',
'Live Element' => '',
'Live Elements' => '',
'Live Javascript' => '',
'Live Javascripts' => '',
'Live Layout' => '',
'Live Layouts' => '',
'Live Stylesheet' => '',
'Live Stylesheets' => '',
'Live Template' => '',
'Live Templates' => '',
'Locale' => '',
'Log' => '',
'Log Detail' => '',
'Log Details' => '',
'Log Feed' => '',
'Log Feeds' => '',
'Log deleted' => '',
'Login failed. Unrecognized username or misstyped password.' => '',
'Logs' => '',
'Mail sending done.' => '',
'Mail sending failed for all receipent.' => '',
'Maintenance' => '',
'Manual ordering' => '',
'Maximum filesize is limited to' => '',
'Maximum length' => '',
'Meta Keywords' => '',
'Mimetype' => '',
'Model' => '',
'Module' => '',
'Module Connection' => '',
'Module Connections' => '',
'Module Manager' => '',
'Module is connected to another module' => '',
'Module name cannot be empty' => '',
'Modules' => '',
'Multilingual' => '',
'Multiple edit' => '',
'Multiple uploads' => '',
'Na Vašu e-mail adresu je poslat nov email' => '',
'Na Vašu e-mail adresu je poslata Vaša nova šifra' => '',
'Named Params' => '',
'New' => '',
'Newsletter' => '',
'Newsletter Name' => '',
'Newsletters' => '',
'Next' => '',
'Nije pronađen nijedan korisnik sa tim podacima' => '',
'Niste uneli ispravnu staru šifru' => '',
'Niste uneli sve podatke.' => '',
'No' => '',
'No groups have been found' => '',
'No history for this item' => '',
'No records found' => '',
'No records have been found, please refine your search.' => '',
'No sorting' => '',
'No uploads have been found' => '',
'No word matches your filter criteria' => '',
'Number' => '',
'Number of failed:' => '',
'OK' => '',
'Only alphanumeric characters and spaces are allowed in module name' => '',
'Only alphanumerical characters and spaces are allowed in fieldname' => '',
'Only letters allowed for argument name. Use commas to separate them.' => '',
'Open in new tab' => '',
'Operation not supported' => '',
'Options' => '',
'Order' => '',
'Overview' => '',
'Ovo polje je obavezno' => '',
'Owned By' => '',
'PIB mora biti celobrojan' => '',
'Page' => '',
'Page title' => '',
'Pages' => '',
'Paginate' => '',
'Pass' => '',
'Passed Data' => '',
'Password' => '',
'Password changed. Please change password to one that you will remember' => '',
'Password recovery' => '',
'Password:' => '',
'Path' => '',
'Person' => '',
'Person Type' => '',
'Please check data' => '',
'Please choose coordinates with left click' => '',
'Please enter integer value in this field' => '',
'Please select at least one field' => '',
'Please select receivers first' => '',
'Please specify fieldname' => '',
'Please supply a valid email address' => '',
'Please try again later :)' => '',
'Please use only alphanumerical characters and spaces for separating extensions' => '',
'Please wait...' => '',
'Polyglot tables refreshed.' => '',
'Populate module' => '',
'Position' => '',
'Possible values' => '',
'Post Data' => '',
'Predefined' => '',
'Prepare newsletter' => '',
'Previous' => '',
'Proceed' => '',
'Proceed to login' => '',
'Prosecutor Office' => '',
'Publish' => '',
'Push Subscriber' => '',
'Push Subscribers' => '',
'Read' => '',
'Receivers' => '',
'Recovery Hash' => '',
'Refresh aco' => '',
'Registration Key' => '',
'Registry Book' => '',
'Release date' => '',
'Remember me on this computer' => '',
'Remove' => '',
'Repair polyglot' => '',
'Repair table' => '',
'Required' => '',
'Reset password' => '',
'SEO' => '',
'Save' => '',
'Save module' => '',
'Save profile' => '',
'Settings' => '',
'Shorten title' => '',
'Show Filter' => '',
'Show category details' => '',
'Show debug information ( sec)' => '',
'Show if false' => '',
'Show if true' => '',
'Show languages' => '',
'Sign in' => '',
'Site is under construction' => '',
'Site name' => '',
'Some records could not have been deleted' => '',
'Son Fk' => '',
'Son Module' => '',
'Sort' => '',
'Status' => '',
'String' => '',
'Style' => '',
'Stylesheet' => '',
'Stylesheets' => '',
'Succedded' => '',
'Summary' => '',
'System log' => '',
'Table Prefix' => '',
'Table name is already used by another entity' => '',
'Table repaired.' => '',
'Template' => '',
'Template bad' => '',
'Templates' => '',
'Temporally password has been sent to' => '',
'Temporaly directories' => '',
'The module has been populated with test data' => '',
'The record could not have been saved, please try again' => '',
'The record has been successfully saved.' => '',
'The records have been successfully saved' => '',
'The supplied e-mail address is not registered on this domain' => '',
'The system logs are empty' => '',
'There are no records for this module in the database.' => '',
'There is a app/Config/config.php file present. If you want to reinstall CMS, please delete this file.' => '',
'There was an error updating dictionary, please try again' => '',
'There was en error:' => '',
'This is a system keyword and cannot be used as a fieldname' => '',
'This is a system keyword and cannot be used as a module name' => '',
'This location cannot be accessed directly' => '',
'This module does not support populate function' => '',
'This name is already used by another module' => '',
'This record has been deleted' => '',
'This record is active' => '',
'This record is inactive' => '',
'This {$singular} is not translated to any language' => '',
'Thumbs folder writtable' => '',
'Timestamp' => '',
'Title Short' => '',
'Toggle navigation' => '',
'Token' => '',
'Tools' => '',
'Translated to' => '',
'True / False' => '',
'Truncate to' => '',
'Type' => '',
'Uneti podaci ne odgovaraju nijednom korisniku u našoj bazi. Molimo pokušajte opet.' => '',
'Unešene šifre se ne poklapaju' => '',
'Uni Criminal Act' => '',
'Uni Criminal Acts' => '',
'Uni Person' => '',
'Uni Person Act' => '',
'Uni Person Acts' => '',
'Uni Person Status' => '',
'Uni Persons' => '',
'Uni Prosecution Case' => '',
'Uni Prosecution Cases' => '',
'Uni Prosecutor Office' => '',
'Uni Prosecutor Offices' => '',
'Unique ID' => '',
'Unique slug' => '',
'Unknown error occured, please try again in a few minutes' => '',
'Unknown field type' => '',
'Unknown upload error' => '',
'Update' => '',
'Update password' => '',
'Upload' => '',
'Upload folder writtable' => '',
'Uploads' => '',
'Uploads restored from the database.' => '',
'Url Target' => '',
'Usage log' => '',
'Use Table' => '',
'Use rich-text editor' => '',
'User' => '',
'Username' => '',
'Username or password are incorrect' => '',
'Username: admin' => '',
'Users' => '',
'Uspešno ste se registrovali. Šifra je poslata na Vašu email adresu' => '',
'Uspešno ste se ulogovali kao' => '',
'Value' => '',
'Vaš komentar je sačuvan. U narednih 24h biće pregledan od strane administratora.' => '',
'Vaš komentar nije sačuvan, molimo pokušajte kasnije' => '',
'Vector CMS' => '',
'Već postoji korisnik sa tim email-om u našoj bazi.' => '',
'View categories' => '',
'View comments' => '',
'View details' => '',
'Wrapper' => '',
'Write' => '',
'Year' => '',
'Yes' => '',
'You cannot deactivate language that you are using.' => '',
'You have already downloaded the file, or the session has expired' => '',
'You must define at least one option' => '',
'You need to enter at least one field' => '',
'Your profile could not have been saved' => '',
'Your profile has been saved' => '',
'Your session has expired. Please sign in again.' => '',
'` element. So do not use this method inside an existing form.
* Instead you should add a submit button using FormHelper::submit()
* ### Options:
* - `data` - Array with key/value to pass in input hidden
* - `method` - Request method to use. Set to 'delete' to simulate HTTP/1.1 DELETE request. Defaults to 'post'.
* - `confirm` - Can be used instead of $confirmMessage.
* - `inline` - Whether or not the associated form tag should be output inline.
* Set to false to have the form tag appended to the 'postLink' view block.
* Defaults to true.
* - `block` - Choose a custom block to append the form tag to. Using this option
* will override the inline option.
* - Other options are the same of HtmlHelper::link() method.
* - The option `onclick` will be replaced.
* @param string $title The content to be wrapped by' => '',
'` tag with a surrounding `' => '',
'` that submits via POST.
* This method creates a `' => '',
'by' => '',
'click to clear again' => '',
'delete' => '',
'deleted' => '',
'deleted this item' => '',
'empty' => '',
'insert' => '',
'inserted new' => '',
'inserted this item' => '',
'inside)*?' => '',
'lost your password?' => '',
'no language' => '',
'of mobile and web applications' => '',
'phpMyAdmin' => '',
'phpinfo()' => '',
'remove field' => '',
'show more' => '',
'sign out' => '',
* @param string|array $url Cake-relative URL or array of URL parameters, or external URL (starts with http://)
* @param array $options Array of HTML attributes.
* @param boolean|string $confirmMessage JavaScript confirmation message.
* @return string An `' => '',
* @param string|array $url Cake-relative URL or array of URL parameters, or external URL (starts with http://)
* @param array $options Array of options and HTML attributes.
* @param string $confirmMessage JavaScript confirmation message.
* @return string An `' => '',
'undelete' => '',
'update' => '',
'updated' => '',
'updated this item' => '',
'upload' => '',
'Šifra je uspešno promenjena' => '',
'. je objavljen jedan bilten i njegov opis možete videti u tekstu iznad.' => '',
'11000 Belgrade, Republic of Serbia' => '',
'Address' => '',
'Annoucements' => '',
'Announcement' => '',
'Announcements' => '',
'Apr' => '',
'Aug' => '',
'Breadcrumbs' => '',
'Broj' => 'Number',
'Broj osoba' => '',
'Broj predmeta' => '',
'Bulletin' => '',
'Bulletin archive' => '',
'Bulletins' => '',
'Category' => '',
'Contact' => '',
'Contact Form' => '',
'Contact Forms' => '',
'Contact phone' => '',
'Contact phone:' => '',
'Contacts' => '',
'Content' => '',
'Copyright' => '',
'Corruption Form' => '',
'Corruption Forms' => '',
'Corruption form' => '',
'Created' => '',
'Created By' => '',
'Date' => '',
'Dec' => '',
'Department Activities' => '',
'Description' => '',
'Do' => '',
'Document' => '',
'Documents' => '',
'Dokumenta' => '',
'Download PDF' => '',
'Došlo je do greške, molimo pokušajte malo kasnije' => 'An Error occured, please try later.',
'E-mail' => '',
'E-mail adresa nije u dobrom formatu' => 'Please enter valid email address',
'ENG' => '',
'Email' => '',
'Email adress' => '',
'Email:' => '',
'End' => '',
'Events' => '',
'Fax' => '',
'Fax:' => '',
'Feb' => '',
'Fight against the corruption' => '',
'First and last name' => '',
'Footer' => '',
'Footers' => '',
'From' => '',
'Front Link' => '',
'Front Links' => '',
'FrontLinks' => '',
'Galerija' => 'Gallery',
'Gallery' => '',
'Header' => '',
'Homepage' => 'Glavna strana',
'Is Active' => '',
'Is Deleted' => '',
'Is Translated' => '',
'Izabrana kategorija ne postoji.' => 'Chosen category does not exist',
'Izabrane godine je objavljen jedan bilten i njegov opis možete videti u tekstu iznad' => '',
'Jan' => '',
'Jul' => '',
'Jun' => '',
'Kategorija je obavezna' => '',
'Krivično delo' => '',
'LAT' => '',
'Last events' => '',
'Latest News' => '',
'Latest statements' => '',
'Link Class' => '',
'Mar' => '',
'May' => '',
'Message' => '',
'Meta' => '',
'Meta Description' => '',
'Meta Keyword' => '',
'Meta Title' => '',
'Modified' => '',
'Modified By' => '',
'Molimo unesite Vaše ime' => 'Please enter your name',
'Molimo unesite datum' => '',
'Molimo unesite ime' => '',
'Molimo unesite ispravan kod' => 'Please enter valid code',
'Molimo unesite link' => '',
'Molimo unesite naslov' => 'Please enter subject',
'Molimo unesite opis' => 'Please enter description',
'Molimo unesite poruku' => 'Please enter message',
'Molimo unesite tekst' => '',
'Nalazite se ovde:' => 'You are here:',
'Name' => '',
'Ne postoji nijedna vest u kategoriji' => 'No News in this category',
'Nemanjina 22-26' => '',
'News' => '',
'NewsTab' => '',
'Newsletter subscription' => '',
'Nov' => '',
'Oct' => '',
'Od' => '',
'Ordering' => '',
'Parametri pretrage' => '',
'Partner' => '',
'Partners' => '',
'Phone' => '',
'Phone:' => '',
'Početna' => '',
'Press Search' => '',
'Prikaži' => '',
'Proveravam podatke' => 'Loading data...',
'Published' => '',
'Quick Link' => '',
'Quick Links' => '',
'Quick contact form' => '',
'Quick links' => '',
'QuickLinks' => '',
'Reccomended' => '',
'Recent activities' => '',
'Recomended' => '',
'Recommended' => '',
'Report Corruption' => '',
'Report corruption anonimously' => '',
'Republic Public Prosecutors Office' => '',
'Rezultati' => '',
'Secretary:' => '',
'Secretery' => '',
'Send message' => '',
'Sep' => '',
'Side Link' => '',
'Side Links' => '',
'SideLinks' => '',
'Slug' => '',
'Source' => '',
'Start' => '',
'Subject' => '',
'Subscribe Form' => '',
'Subscribe Forms' => '',
'Sve aktivnosti' => 'All activities',
'Svi' => 'All',
'Text' => '',
'The Departement for International Cooperation Internatinal Legel Aid' => '',
'The Office of Prosecutor and all Departements' => '',
'The Spokesperson of the Republic Public Prosecutor's Office' => '',
'Title' => '',
'To' => '',
'Tuzilaštvo' => '',
'Unesite kod' => 'Captcha code',
'Unesite parametre za pretragu i kliknite Prikaži' => '',
'Upcoming events' => '',
'Upisnik' => '',
'Url' => '',
'Uspešno ste poslali poruku' => 'Message sent sucessfully',
'Uspešno ste poslali zahtev' => 'Request sent sucessfully',
'Uspešno ste se prijavili' => 'Sucessfully subscribed',
'Već ste prijavljeni' => 'You already subscribed to our mailing list',
'Your message' => '',
'Za izabrane kriterijume ne postoji nijedan zapis u bazi' => '',
'Zahtev nije prosleđen' => 'Your request havent been sent',
'\n' => '',
'' => '',
'corruption' => '',
'daily' => '',
'download' => '',
'' => '',
'highlighted' => '',
'image' => '',
'informe' => '',
'' => '',
'main' => '',
'monthly' => '',
'printData.image' => '',
'public' => '',
'question' => '',
'read more' => '',
'' => '',
'ĆIR' => 'CYR'
$config = '_cake_core_'
$settings = array(
'prefix' => '*****',
'engine' => 'Apc',
'path' => '/var/www/html/app/tmp/cache/persistent/',
'serialize' => false,
'duration' => (int) 10,
'probability' => (int) 100,
'groups' => array()
$success = false
Cache::write() - CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 323
I18n::translate() - CORE/Cake/I18n/I18n.php, line 241
__ - CORE/Cake/basics.php, line 554
AppModel::__construct() - ROOT/VectorCMS/Model/AppModel.php, line 100
ReflectionClass::newInstance() - [internal], line ??
ClassRegistry::init() - CORE/Cake/Utility/ClassRegistry.php, line 174
AppController::clearCache() - ROOT/VectorCMS/Controller/AppController.php, line 306
AppController::beforeFilter() - ROOT/VectorCMS/Controller/AppController.php, line 39
FrontController::beforeFilter() - ROOT/VectorCMS/Controller/FrontController.php, line 24
call_user_func - [internal], line ??
CakeEventManager::dispatch() - CORE/Cake/Event/CakeEventManager.php, line 244
Controller::startupProcess() - CORE/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 674
Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 187
Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 165
[main] - ROOT/VectorCMS/webroot/index.php, line 142
Warning (512): _cake_model_ cache was unable to write 'default_website_live_templates' to Apc cache [CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 323]
Cache::write() - CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 323
DataSource::_cacheDescription() - CORE/Cake/Model/Datasource/DataSource.php, line 310
DataSource::describe() - CORE/Cake/Model/Datasource/DataSource.php, line 135
Mysql::describe() - CORE/Cake/Model/Datasource/Database/Mysql.php, line 332
Model::schema() - CORE/Cake/Model/Model.php, line 1360
AppModel::schema() - ROOT/VectorCMS/Model/AppModel.php, line 513
AppModel::__construct() - ROOT/VectorCMS/Model/AppModel.php, line 198
ReflectionClass::newInstance() - [internal], line ??
ClassRegistry::init() - CORE/Cake/Utility/ClassRegistry.php, line 174
AppController::clearCache() - ROOT/VectorCMS/Controller/AppController.php, line 308
AppController::beforeFilter() - ROOT/VectorCMS/Controller/AppController.php, line 39
FrontController::beforeFilter() - ROOT/VectorCMS/Controller/FrontController.php, line 24
call_user_func - [internal], line ??
CakeEventManager::dispatch() - CORE/Cake/Event/CakeEventManager.php, line 244
Controller::startupProcess() - CORE/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 674
Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 187
Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 165
Deputy Prime Minister, Aleksandar Vučić, has stated that 500 persons are going
to be processed in operations Grom
and Grom 1 (eng. Thunder and Thunder 1)
and warned drug dealers that hell is just about to ensue for them since
campaigns against them are not going to stop until the society is cured of this
At the press conference
held at the Government of Serbia, Vučić hasreleased
the information that this morning from 4.30 AM 128 individuals have been taken
into custody as a part of the Grom 1
operation, a campaign of arrests of drug dealers.
Vučić has pointed out
that certain serial killers have been arrested during this morning’s operation,
i.e. persons who are responsible for several murders, robberies, as well as
that some of the arrested individuals have been detained for illegal possession
of weapons.
The Police Chief,
Milorad Veljović, has stated that four foreign citizens have been arrested in
the Grom operation for robbery
committed in the territory of Serbia.
When speaking on the
co-operation of the police, Prosecutor’s Office and others during the
operations for combating corruption and crime, Veljović was adamant that "there
is no such task that we cannot complete with joint forces” and added this fight
would not end with the operation Grom.
The Republic Public
Prosecutor, Zagorka Dolovac, released a statement that in the today’s Grom 1 operation "serious drug dealers
had been arrested who were at the top of the pyramid” and insisted that no one
is stronger than the state authorities.
"For legal reasons we
are unable to release the names of the arrested individuals but I can confirm
that this time the state authorities are targeting serious drug dealers who are
at the very top of the pyramid”, Dolovac stated and underlined that today’s
operation is not the end of the fight against drug gangs.
"As much as we may
think that they are stronger than the state authorities, this is not true, they
are not stronger”, Dolovac, who has commended all of the police officers and
prosecutors who are conducting this operation, says and adds that the Security
Services Co-ordination Bureau has been supporting them.
The Prime Minister and
the Minister of Interior, Ivica Dačić, said that the operation "Grom 1” targeted primarily the internal
dealer network which is activated after the drugs have already entered our
"In this particular
case the focus of the operation was not on the drug channels, how the drugs
reach Macedonia or Serbia, but the point was to strike at the dealer network”,
Dačić said.
In today’s simultaneous
operation Grom 1 in the territory of
Serbia, a measure of a 48 hour detention has been imposed on 124 suspects,
seven individuals have been handed over to the Prosecutor’s Office, nearly 20
kilos of various types of drugs have been seized, as well as more than 50 types
of various weapons, six individuals that have been on wanted lists have been
located, eight criminal offence cases have been solved.
19,540.02 g of cocaine,
heroin, marijuana and amphetamine-type of drugs
have been seized, 938 pills of synthetic drugs, 63 packages of heroin,
72 packages of marijuana, one package of hashish, one package of cocaine, four
bottles of methadone, MoI of Serbia stated.
16 precise measuring
scales, five laboratories for the production of marijuana with 200 stalks and
30 jars with dried marijuana, 31 pistols, 23 rifles without a permit, a pencil-gun,
and 3,177 pieces of ammunition are listed in the statement.
The operation,
according to the statement, resulted in the seizure of 504 g of plastic
explosives, one detonating cap, fuse, one bomb, 74,000 EUR, six high-class cars
owned by the drug dealers, three vehicles and two vans with false plates.
According to the statement, 1,165 addresses
have been searched, where 1,045 individuals have been found, and it is stressed
that against 115 individuals criminal charges are going to be filed in an
ordinary procedure at the order of the competent prosecutor’s offices.
In the early hours of
the morning, police officers of the Criminal Police Directorate of the Ministry
of Interior, Special Anti-Terrorist Unit, Anti-Terrorist Unit, Gendarmerie and
27 Police Departments in co-operation with the competent public prosecutor’s
offices, at the request of the Security Services Co-ordination Bureau, have
carried out a simultaneous, coordinated central operation Grom 1 in the territory of Serbia.
During the operation Grom, at the beginning of December,
against the suspects involved in drug trafficking across the whole territory of
Serbia, more than 21 kg of drugs were seized and 124 suspects were taken into
custody, out of which 70 were remanded in custody.