The Department for Cyber Crime carried out tasks and responsibilities under the jurisdiction of the General Public Prosecution related to the criminal acts of high-technology crime, it monitors the fulfillment of the obligation assumed by the Law on the Ratification of the Convention on Cyber Crime of the Council of Europe (the Budapest Convention), and coordinates work with the Special Prosecution Office for Cybercrime of the Higher Public Prosecution Office in Belgrade (Special Prosecution Office for Cybercrime) and coordinates work with public prosecutor’s offices of general jurisdiction regarding cybercrimes.
The Department for Cyber Crime also implements international projects for the public prosecution in the field of cybercrime, such as the EU IPA projects and iPROCEEDS projects of the Council of Europe, while a representative of this department participates, as a lecturer, in the specialist training of the public prosecution, court and the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia and other countries, on the topics of high-tech crime, electronic evidence, investigations and seizure of cryptocurrencies, etc. together with the Judicial Academy, the Council of Europe, the OSCE and other international partners.
The Head of the Department for Cyber Crime is the public prosecutor of the General Public Prosecution Office, Branko Stamenković.
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